Bakalářské obory:
katedra germanistiky
Interkulturní germanistika
Německý jazyk a literatura (dvouoborové)
katedra historie
Dokumentace památek
Historie (jednooborové, dvouoborové)
Kulturní historie
katedra politologie a filozofie ( SEZNAM DOPORUČENÉ LITERATURY)
Filozofie (dvouoborové)
Politologie (dvouoborové)
Společenské vědy (dvouoborové)
Základy humanitních věd – estetika
Magisterské obory:
katedra germanistiky
Německá filologie v česko-německém interkulturním kontextu
Učitelství německého jazyka a literatury pro střední školy (jednooborové, dvouoborové, u jednooborového studia prezenční i kombinovaná forma)
katedra historie
Historie (jednooborové, dvouoborové)
Kulturní historie (jednooborové, dvouoborové)
Učitelství historie pro střední školy
katedra politologie a filozofie
Politická filozofie
Společenské vědy
Učitelství pro základní školy – Občanská výchova (dvouoborové)
Učitelství společenských věd pro střední školy (dvouoborové)
Doktorské studium:
katedra historie
- České dějiny
katedra germanistiky
- Německá literatura
Bakalářské obory:
katedra germanistiky
katedra historie
- Spisová a archivní služba
- Dokumentace památek
katedra politologie a filozofie
- Politologie a veřejná správa (připravujeme)
Magisterské obory:
katedra germanistiky
- Učitelství německého jazyka a literatury pro střední školy (jednooborové)
katedra historie
- Historie (jednooborové)
Doktorské studium:
katedra germanistiky
- Německá literatura
katedra historie
- České dějiny
- Tschechische Geschichte – v německém jazyce
Opory kombinovaného studia
Zde k dispozici prázdný metodický list
Historie (jednooborové)
1. roč. LS
- KHI/K401A - doc. Hrubá - Dějiny středověku II A - původní metodický list
- KHI/K401B - doc. Drška - Dějiny středověku II B - původní metodický list
- KHI/K075 - dr. Krieger - Latina II - původní metodický list
- KHI/K431 - doc. Sulitková - Pomocné vědy historické II - není nutno (opora průběžně aktualizována)
- KHI/K411 - doc. Velímský - Úvod do studia historie II - původní metodický list
2. roč. LS
- KHI/K441 - dr. Pátek Dějiny kultury II - původní metodický list
- KHI/K403A - doc. Engelová Dějiny novověku II A - původní metodický list
- KHI/K403B - doc. Kaiserová Dějiny novověku II B - původní metodický list
- KHI/K412 - doc. Hrubá Historický proseminář - původní metodický list
- KHI/K404A - dr. Rokoský Moderní dějiny I A - původní metodický list
- KHI/K404B -doc. Veselý Moderní dějiny I B - původní metodický list
- KHI/K101 - dr. Rak Paleografie II - není nutno (opora již aktualizována)
Archivnictví a spisová služba
1. roč. LS
- KHI/K207 - doc. Sulitková - Archivnictví I - původní metodický list
- KHI/K205 - dr. Mikušek - Dějiny správy II - původní metodický list č. 1, původní metodický list č. 2
- KHI/K206 - dr. Rak - Diplomatika II - původní metodický list
- KHI/K209 - doc. Sulitková - Historická chronologie - původní metodický list
- KHI/K101 - dr. Rak - Paleografie II není nutno (opora již aktualizována) - původní metodický list
- KHI/K208 - doc. Sulitková - Spisová služba II - původní metodický list
Obecné problémy s rozvrhem, aktivit v rámci IS Stag na FF
- Naplněná kapacita předmětu, nesprávné zapsání předmětů, chyba v typu rozvrhové akce aj.
- Kontakt: (email je doručen současně vedoucí studijního oddělení, koordinátorovi rozvrhu, správcům studijního informačního systému, proděkance pro studium)
Konkrétní problémy s rozvrhem v rámci studijního oboru
- Kolize předmětů, absence rozvrhových akcí, absence časoprostorových údajů konkrétní rozvrhové akce aj.
- Řeší rozvrháři kateder FF UJEP:
- katedra germanistiky: (Mgr. Andrea Frydrychová)
- katedra historie: (Mgr. Vilém Zábranský, Ph.D.)
- katedra politologie a filozofie: (Mgr. Jan Musil, Ph.D.)
- jazykové centrum: (Mgr. Martin Škvára)
Katedra germanistiky
- Aktuální informace
Interkulturní germanistika - bakalářské studium (poprvé otevřeno v akademickém roce 2015/2016)
- Německý jazyk a literatura pro školskou praxi - bakalářské studium (naposledy otevřeno v akademickém roce 2014/2015)
- Učitelství cizích jazyků pro ZŠ - německý jazyk - navazující magisterské studium (naposledy otevřeno v akademickém roce 2014/2015)
- Učitelství německého jazyka a literatury pro SŠ - navazující magisterské studium (poprvé otevřeno v akademickém roce 2015/2016 )
Katedra historie
- Aktuální informace
Dokumentace památek - bakalářské studium (poprvé otevřeno v akademické roce 2016/2017)
- Historie (jednooborové) - bakalářské studium
- Historie (jednooborové) - navazující magisterské studium (poprvé otevřeno v akademickém roce 2015/2016)
- Spisová a archivní služba - bakalářské studium
Studijní portál - MOODLE
- Studijní opory a portál (program Moodle - bude přístupný studentům po zápisu do studia)
Doktorské studium je určeno nejnadanějším absolventům magisterského studia. Je otevřeno nejen studentům FF UJEP, ale i absolventům jiných vysokých škol.
Doktorské studium se řídí:
- Studijní a zkušební řád pro studium v doktorských studijních programech na FF UJEP
- Příkaz děkanky FF UJEP – Pravidla pro obhajoby dizertačních prací na FF UJEP
- Studijní a zkušební řád pro studium v doktorských studijních programech univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem ze dne 17. července 2017
Studium lze realizovat v prezenční i kombinované formě.
Doktorské studium je na Filozofické fakultě univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně uskutečňováno ve dvou studijních programech.
Studijní program: Německá filologie (Katedra germanistiky)
Garantkou studijního programu je doc. Mgr. Renata Cornejo, Ph.D.
Studijní program:
Studijní program: Historické vědy (Katedra historie)
Garantkou studijního programu je prof. PhDr. Michaela Hrubá, Ph.D.
Studijní obor:
- DSP České dějiny
- DSP Tschechische Geschichte
- DSP České dějiny – akreditace od 22. 5. 2024 (nová akreditace)
University of J. E. Purkyně - Institute of Humanities
Doctoral Studies
Historical Sciences/Czech History Form of study: combined and full-time
Studijní oddělení Filozofické fakulty UJEP sídlí v přízemí budovy A číslo dveří A 002b. Další informace se dozvíte z nástěnky, která je umístěna před studijním oddělením.
Aktuální informace studijního oddělení jsou zveřejňovány ve fakultních aktualitách.
Vedoucí studijního oddělení
Mgr. Daniela Libichová
- Tel.: 475 286 467
- E-mail:
Studijní referentka
Mgr. Jana Šípošová
- Tel.: 475 286 525
Úřední hodiny
- PO a ST 12:00 - 14:00
- ÚT a ČT 9:00 - 11:00
- Po dohodě je možné dostavit se i mimo úřední hodiny.
Bachelor's Program
1) B 7310 Philology
The Aim of the Study Program: The German Language and Literature field is designed for students interested in directing their studies toward philological sciences. The program is conceived so that students acquire knowledge and skill in the fields of communicative competence and linguistic theory, and in the fields of intercultural and literary competence. It is also aimed at deepening passive and active linguistic skills, at developing quick and precise comprehension of German speech and texts, and at fluent verbal and written communication. The dominating feature of the entire program is theoretical preparation in the linguistic and literary disciplines.
Professional Status: Graduates will have the possibility of entering their practical profession and the labor market. If graduates choose to end their studies and begin their careers, the Bachelor‘s degree can qualify them to work in fields which require specific study at the Bachelor‘s level or which require foreign language and intercultural competence, which will be gained through study of the German language and literature and through encountering the German-speaking environment.
Field of Study:
German Language and Literature for two-subject combination study (Two-Subject Combination)
- o Annotation: This is a two subject combination program undertaken only in combination with another field of study. Both subjects are of equal weight. The dominating feature of the entire program is theoretical preparation in the linguistic and literary disciplines; the program also is focused on expanding communicative competence, both passive and active, and on aspects of intercultural communication. The aim of the program is to prepare graduates for further studies in education and non-education study programs and also to prepare graduates of the Bachelor‘s program for specific, practical application in their field.
- o Profile: After completing their studies, the primary direction for graduates will be continuation in a Master‘s (Magistr) Degree program in a field requiring a wide foundation in subjects including Education for Secondary School. However, the graduate may also continue in the two-subject combined study program Teaching for Second Level Basic School. The program also prepares the student to enter the workplace. Graduates gain knowledge and skills which enable continuation at the Master‘s level by offering a wide range of information from the linguistic and literary disciplines. Graduates also have linguistic abilities which consist of both passive and active skills in written German and its operational styles on a level necessary for creating reports, leading discussions, and professional communication
Intercultural German Studies
o Annotation: The Intercultural German Studies Program is based on the current geopolitical, historical, and economic needs of state administration, business management, and the spheres of culture and media - especially in the border regions of North-western Bohemia - and it is focused on gaining full communicational competence for contacts with partners in the German-language regions.
o Profile: The modular conception of the study plan provides graduates with a wide assortment of post-graduation options. Students gain a foundation in the field through obligatory subjects, and by a selection of mandatory elective subjects, they broaden their professional profile in view of their post graduation plans. The students‘ profile takes into account their possible entrance to the work force and their effectiveness in the labor market, where it is expected that the state administration, cultural, educational, and economic fields will show interest in the graduates.
The program is organized so that graduates will be prepared for continued study in the Master's program „Teaching Foreign Languages for Basic School - German," which is an accredited program at the German Studies Department PF UJEP, for further study in other education and non-education academic fields, or finally for direct entrance in the labor market.
German Language and Literature with Education Emphasis
o Annotation: The German Language and Literature Program with an Education Emphasis is designed for students with an interest in focusing their studies on the field of philological sciences. The program is conceived so that students acquire knowledge and skill in the areas of communicative competence, linguistics and literary theory, and also in intercultural competence. It is also aimed at deepening passive and active linguistic skills, at developing quick and precise comprehension of German speech and texts, and at fluent verbal and written communication. The dominating feature of the entire program is theoretical preparation in the linguistic and literary disciplines. Within the framework of the Introduction to German Language Didactics, students encounter specific issues in acquiring the German language in the Czech education system and in intercultural relations between the Czech and German language environments.
o Profile: Graduates have extensive knowledge and skill in the professional foundations of a certified subject and are well oriented in the fundamental questions of pedagogy, psychology and the didactics of the subject. Graduates are prepared for continuing in the master's programs Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary School or Teaching German Language and Literature for Second Level Basic School. The program also prepares students to enter the workplace. The holder of the Bachelor's Degree is well prepared for activity either in the state sector, in commercial fields which require foreign language or intercultural competence, in activity organizations for youth, or in the area of providing leisure activities for adults.
German Language and Literature (Single Subject)
o Annotation: Graduates of this program will be able to begin their practical profession and find employment in fields which require specific study at the Bachelor‘s level or foreign language and intercultural competence, which will be gained through study of the German language and literature and through encountering the German-speaking environment. It is also possible to continue with a Master's program, either with or without an emphasis in the educational field of study.
o Profile: The subject is designed for students interested in directing their study toward philological sciences. The program is conceived so that students acquire knowledge in the areas of linguistics and literary theory and also broad capabilities the linguistic and intercultural fields of study. The dominating feature of the entire program is theoretical preparation in the linguistic and literary disciplines
2) Historical Science (The Department of History)
The Aim of the Study Program: The aim of this program is to prepare specialists for historical work - primarily for work in museums, institutes for the preservation of historical monuments, and archives. In-depth preparation in Art History and in selected auxiliary historical disciplines prepares graduates for work with written, pictorial, and material historical sources.
Professional Status: Graduates may work in the field of preservation of historical monuments, in archives and other centers oriented toward historical research and documentation, in cultural and educational institutions, and in state administration in posts corresponding to the Bachelor's Degree level of higher education.
Field of Study:
History (Single Subject)
o Annotation: This field of study is comprised of basic instruction in history, historical methodology and the auxiliary historical sciences, and the history of culture, science, and education. The student chooses specialized mandatory elective courses to complement the compulsory courses
o Profile: Graduates gain general knowledge of the historical disciplines, which provides a solid foundation for continued study at the Master's (Magistr) level. If students decide to terminate their studies at this point, they can find positions corresponding to the Bachelor's degree in professional institutions oriented toward the popularization and presentation of history, such as museums, foundations, and other associations. Other employment possibilities may be sought in the travel industry, as tour guides, and in administrative functions at community, town, and regional government offices (in cultural consultation, the preservation of historical monuments ).
History (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: This field of study is comprised of basic instruction in history, historical methodology and the auxiliary historical sciences, and the history of culture, science, and education. The student chooses specialized mandatory elective courses to complement the compulsory courses.
o Profile: Graduates gain general knowledge of two academic subjects, which provides a solid foundation for continued study at the Master's level. In the Master's program, it is possible to link the subject of the study program to a program focused on education (two subject combination). If students decide to terminate their studies with a Bachelor's Degree, they can find positions, according to the orientation of their academic subject, in various employment sectors such as in professional institutions like museums, foundations and associations; in state administration (as consultants on regional development, the travel industry, or culture); in the media; and in other posts engaged in the popularization and presentation of history.
History with Education Emphasis
o Annotation: This field of study is designed for students interested in history who are deciding between a research or a teaching oriented course of study. The content of the study field is both the foundations of teacher's training together with the basics of the pedagogical-psychological module. This field of study is comprised of basic instruction in history, historical methodology and the auxiliary historical sciences, and the history of culture, science, and education. The student chooses specialized mandatory elective courses to complement the compulsory courses.
o Profile: Graduates gain a general knowledge of the historical sciences and an introduction to pedagogical practice (including didactics in the chosen field), which provides a solid foundation for continued study at the Master's (Magistr) level. This subject, however, does not provide comprehensive training for direct application in the teaching profession. Graduates are prepared for continuing in the Master's program, in which it is possible to add a subject focused on education. If, in the course of the program students decide to change the focus of their studies, both the History and the Regional Cultural History study programs will be open to them. If students decide to terminate their studies with a Bachelor's Degree, they can find the same types of employment as graduates of other historically oriented fields: in professional institutions, especially in museums, in foundations and associations engaged in the popularization and presentation of history to children and youth; or in after school activities programs (e.g. In institutions connected with the Open Museum project, etc.)
History with Education Emphasis (Two Subject Combination)
o Annotation: This study program is designed for students interested in the study of teaching history in combination with another subject. Traditional combinations for this subjects are languages (Czech, German, English), geography, and the basic Social Sciences. The content of the study field is both the foundations of teacher's training together with the basics of the pedagogical-psychological module. In the subject of history, the student gains basic information and an introduction to history, historical methodology and the auxiliary historical sciences, and the history of culture, science, and education. The student chooses specialized mandatory elective courses to complement the compulsory courses.
o Profile: Graduates get a general knowledge in two subjects and an introduction to pedagogical practice (including didactics in the chosen field), which provides a solid foundation for continued study at the Master's (Magistr) level. This subject, however, does not provide comprehensive training for direct application in the teaching profession. Graduates are specifically prepared for continuing with master's studies in Education. If, in the course of the program students decide to change the focus of their studies, both single subject and a two subject combination study programs will be open to them. If students decide to terminate their studies with a Bachelor's Degree, they can find the same types of employment as graduates of other historically oriented fields: in professional institutions, especially in museums, in foundations and associations engaged in the popularization and presentation of history to children and youth; or in after school activities programs (e.g. In institutions connected with the Open Museum project, etc.)
Documentation of Historical Memorials
o Annotation: This study program is designed for students interested in history, cultural history, and historical memorials, who want to either begin a career immediately after graduation or to continue in Master's studies in their specialty. This field of study is comprised of basic instruction in history, cultural history (especially the history of the creative arts and the history of architecture), and also some of the auxiliary historical disciplines, which direct students to issues of historical memorials and their preservation, protection and documentation. A fundamental part of the instruction is made up of blocks of courses about the documentation of memorials, which are foundational to the professional profile of the graduate (involving instruction in and the practice of basic documentary methods, including use of the most modern technologies (use of digital data, photogrammatics, etc.). The student chooses specialized mandatory elective courses to complement the compulsory courses
o Profile: Graduates of this program are prepared to begin a career with the qualification of a Bachelor's Degree, especially in documentation at historical memorial institutions, for example in state administrative institutions concerned with the care and protection of historical memorials. Graduates can also continue with the Master's study program in Historical Sciences - the Regional Cultural Historical field of study - especially in the subject of Architectural History.
3) B 6701 Political Science
The Aim of the Study Program: The purpose of this program is on one hand to offer sufficient professional erudition in the political science fields, and on the other hand to provide solid orientation in the values on which the constitutional systems of the Czech Republic and the Europoean Union are founded.
Professional Status: Graduates function in public administration and in the non-profit sector; or they can continue in more specialized study (continuing Master's Degree programs in Political Science at Czech universities).
Field of Study:
Political Science (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: The content of this program is comprised of instruction about the Czech constitutional system and its history: students will gain an understanding of the composition and functions of particular institutions. Likewise students will gain orientation in the arrangement of EU institutions and an understanding of the differentiations between the political systems of the most important European and non-European states.
o Profile: The graduates' broad overview and values orientation enable them to find employment in public administration and in the non-profit sector; or they can continue in more specialized study (continuing Master's Degree programs in Political Science at Czech universities). The program deepens their competence in the concerned subjects and broadens their knowlege of related subjects.
4) B 6701 Humane Studies
The Aim of the Study Program: This program is designed for students interested in the social sciences and related subjects
Professional Status: This program is arranged so that graduates gain an essential general knowledge of the foundations of the social sciences - mainly Philosophy, Political Science, Economics, and Sociology. At the same time, students will encounter some current, relative problems and questions and become oriented with them on a professional level. This primarily concerns political science and philosophical issues.
Field of Study:
Social Sciences with an emphasis on Education (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: Graduates gain a foundational overview in the Social Sciences - Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Ethics, Religious Studies, Environmentalism, etc., and they should be capable of teaching in these disciplines. This program is designed for students with an interest in the Social Sciences and for students who are deciding between specialized study and educational study. The content of this program is comprised of the foundations for educational study together with the foundations of the pedagogical-psychological module.
o Profile: Graduates of this program can either choose to continue in a related Master's program in Teaching Civics and Social Sciences for Middle School or in a program in another humanities oriented Master's Degree field. They can also commence a practical career - in media, cultural organizations, foundations, and a variety of social institutions, etc.
Social Sciences (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: Graduates gain a foundational overview in the Social Sciences - Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Ethics, Religious Studies, Environmentalism, etc., and they should be capable to teach in these disciplines.
o Profile: Graduates are prepared for continued study in a Master's Degree Program oriented in the Humanities, either a single subject program or a two subject combination program. They can also find employment in cultural and social organizations, foundations, the media, etc.
Master's Program
1) N 7310 Philology
The Aim of the Study Program: T..................
Professional Status: G..................
Field of Study:
Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary School (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: The two subject combination program of Teaching German is offered primarily for graduates of the two subject combination Bachelor's program. The purpose is to prepare middle school teachers who will have professional qualifications for immediate pedagogical activity in two certified subjects. The central content of this program concerns the study of the subject and its didactics, the connection between these and the pedagogical and psychological disciplines, and pedagogical experience. The program is conceived as a pre-graduation part of life-long education. It is expected that the knowledge and skills gained by the student during the Master's program will be deepened and perfected throughout life.
o Profile: Graduates of the program „Teaching German Language and Literature for Secondary School" gain full competence in teaching the German language subject at the appropriate types of schools. The mastery of knowledge and skills of this study program, in the areas of communicative and intercultural competence, in linguistic theory, in literary sciences, in psychology, pedagogy, didactics, and in the theory of teaching German, may be successfully applied in teaching and in other professional activities at schools.
Graduates are qualified middle school teachers according to § 9 odst. 1 písm. a) statute č. 563/2004 Sb., concerning pedagogical workplaces. According to § 8 odst. 1 písm. c) of this statute they also acquire qualification as teachers at second level basic schools. Graduates function as teachers at gymnasia, specialized middle schools, and also at lower-level extended gymnasia and second level basic schools.
2) Historical Science (The Department of History)
The Aim of the Study Program: T..................
Professional Status: G..................
Field of Study:
History (Single Subject)
o Annotation: This subject is designed predominantly for graduates of a single subject Bachelor's Program (History field of study, for example Regional Cultural History) in the Historical Sciences Study Program. In the framework of this course of study, students deepen the factual and methodological fundamentals they gained at the Bachelor's level, with an emphasis on developing the foundations for future professional employment. Specialized instructional blocks are essential parts of this continued study, which allow for the professional orientation of the students, who can strengthen their program further by choosing suitable obligatory elective courses.
o Profile: Graduates of this program are professional historians with all of the prerequisites for a career in professional institutions focused on collecting data, caring for historical funds, or academic research. They also have the prerequisites for continuing with doctoral studies.
History (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: This study program is designed especially for graduates of the two subject combination Bachelor's program, which is professionally oriented toward Education. In the framework of the course of study in the History Field of Study, students deepen the factual and methodological fundamentals they gained at the Bachelor's level, with an emphasis on developing the foundations for future professional employment. Specialized instructional blocks are essential parts of this continued study, which allow for the professional orientation of the students. As in the case of the Bachelor's Program, it is possible to combine this program with Geography, basic Social Sciences, Political Science, Philosophy, and languages - English and German.
o Profile: The graduates of this study program are professional historians with all of the prerequisites for a career in professional institutions (see above) and have orientation in a second subject, which adds flexibility and broader employment possibilities.
Teaching History for Middle School (Single Subject)
o Annotation: This study program is designed especially for graduates of the Historical Sciences Bachelor's Study Program, which is studied as a single subject (specialized study or study with an emphasis on Education). In the framework of the study plan in the History Field, students deepen the factual and methodological fundamentals they gained at the Bachelor's level, with an emphasis on the didactics of the subject and on gaining information about interdisciplinary relationships in history. The didactics of the subject are linked to the pedagogical, psychological, and other commonly based disciplines, and with pedagogical experience. Along with the superstructure of training in a specialized field, the program provides information and practical skills in specialized didactic-methodological subjects and with the aid of pedagogically and psychologically oriented subjects, the students are prepared to be professional Middle School teachers.
o Profile: Graduates are fully qualified for immediate pedagogical activity at all types of middle schools. They have practical experience teaching at the middle school level and basic knowledge of the organization and operation of middle schools. According to the Statute of Pedagogical Workplaces, the graduates are recognized as qualified both as secondary school teachers and also as teachers at second level basic schools or for teaching at lower levels at longer duration gymnasia.
Teaching History for Middle School (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: The aim of the program is to prepare teachers in general education for middle schools, who will have professional qualifications for immediate pedagogical activity in two subjects. The central content of the program consists in the study of chosen qualification fields and their specialized didactics, and in their connection with the pedagogical and psychological disciplines and pedagogical practice. Along with the superstructure of training in a specialized field , the program provides information and practical proficiency in specialized didactic-methodological subjects, and, with the aid of pedagogically and psychologically oriented subjects, the students are prepared to be professional Middle School teachers.
o Profile: Graduates are fully qualified for immediate pedagogical activity at all types of middle schools in two subjects that correspond to the chosen subjects of study. They have practical experience teaching qualified subjects at the middle school level and basic knowledge of the organization and operation of middle schools. According to the Statute of Pedagogical Workplaces, the graduates are recognized as qualified both as secondary school teachers and also as teachers at second level basic schools or for teaching at lower levels at longer duration gymnasia.
3) Secondary School Teacher Education
The Aim of the Study Program:. The two subject combination study program, Teaching for Second Level Basic Schools, is offered primarily to Graduates of the two subject combination Bachelor's Program. The purpose is to prepare teachers for second level basic schools who will have professional qualifications for immediate pedagogical activity in two certified subjects.
Professional Status:: Graduates are qualified middle school teachers for second level basic schools according to § 8 odst. 1 písm. a) statute č. 563/2004 Sb., concerning pedagogical workplaces.
Field of Study:
History (Two-Subject Combination) - The Department of History
o Annotation: The aim of this program is to prepare teachers for second level basic schools, who will have professional qualification for immediate pedagogical activity in two certified subjects. The central content of this program concerns the study of the subject and its didactics, the connection between these and the pedagogical and psychological disciplines, and pedagogical experience. The program is conceived as a pre-graduation part of life-long education. It is expected that the knowledge and information gained by the student during the Master's program will be deepened and perfected throughout life.
o Profile: Graduates gain competence as teachers. As teachers, they are equipped with information from their field of study, the didactics of that field, pedagogy, and psychology, which they are able to apply in teaching and other professional activities at school. Graduates are capable of didactic analysis of curriculum and are practically prepared to create suitable pedagogical conditions and methods for reaching educational aims. Graduates possess the knowledge needed for mastering the new technical environment and modern educational technology, and they are able to keep up with the demands of the information society. Graduates gain full qualification as teachers at second level basic schools according to § 8 odst. 1 písm. a) statute no. 563/2004, about pedagogical workplaces.
German Language and Literature for Second Level Basic Schools (Two-Subject Combination)
o Annotation: The central content of this two-subject combination program concerns the study of the subject and its didactics, the connection between these and the pedagogical and psychological disciplines, and pedagogical experience. The program is conceived as a pre-graduation part of life-long education. It is expected that the knowledge and information gained by the student during the Master's program will be deepened and perfected throughout life.
o Profile: Graduates of the program „Teaching German Language and Literature for Second Level Basic School" gain full competence in teaching the German language subjects at the appropriate types of schools. The mastery of knowledge and skills of this study program, in the areas of communicative and intercultural competence, in linguistic theory, in literary sciences, in psychology, pedagogy, didactics, and in the theory of teaching German, may be successfully applied in teaching and in other professional activities at schools.
Teaching Foreign Languages for Basic School - German (Single Subject)
o Annotation: The central content of this single subject program concerns the study of the subject and its didactics, as well as the connection between these and the pedagogical and psychological disciplines, and with pedagogical experience. The program is conceived as a pre-graduation part of life-long education. It is expected that the knowledge and skills gained by the student during the Master's program will be deepened and perfected throughout life.
The single-subject program, Teaching Foreign Languages for Basic School - German, is primarily offered to graduates of the Bachelor's program in Philology with a specialization in German Language and Literature - single-subject. The purpose is to prepare basic school teachers who will have professional qualification for immediate pedagogical activity in certified German language subjects.
- o Profile: Graduates of the program, „Teaching Foreign Languages for Basic School - German," gain full competence in teaching the German language subjects at the appropriate types of schools. The mastery of the knowledge and skills of this study program, in the areas of communicative and intercultural competence, in linguistic theory, in literary sciences, in psychology, pedagogy, didactics, and in the theory of teaching German, may be successfully applied in teaching and in other professional activities at schools.
Graduates are qualified teachers for second level basic schools according to § 8 odst. 1 písm. a) statute č. 563/2004 Sb., concerning pedagogical workplaces.
(Aktuální) termíny:
- Termíny zadání a odevzdání kvalifikační práce jsou k dispozici v aktuálním harmonogramu FF UJEP.
- Technicko-organizační kroky zadávání k dispozici v názorném Návodu pro zadávání BP a DP (v souladu s aktualizovaným zněním níže uvedené směrnice děkanky)
Vnitřní předpisy a normy
Odevzdávání bakalářských a diplomových prací na FF UJEP se řídí těmito předpisy:
- Směrnice rektora ke zveřejování závěrečných prací (Směrnce č. 4/2021)
- Proces zadávání, zpracování i odevzdávání práce upřesňuje Směrnice FF UJEP v Ústí nad Labem č. 46/2020 - Pokyny pro zadávání, vypracovávání a odevzdávání bakalářských a diplomových prací
- Informace k závěrečným pracím na portálu IS/Stag
Kvalifikační práce na pracovištích fakulty
- Katedra archivnictví a pomocných věd historických:
- Kontakní osoba: Mgr. Tomáš Velička, Ph.D. *
- Informace a nabídka témat na webu katedry
- Katedra germanistiky:
- Kontakní osoba: Pavlína Máčková (sekretářka katedry)*
- Informace a nabídka témat na webu katedry
- Katedra filozofie a humanitních studií:
- Kontakní osoba: Tamara Šitnerová (sekretářka katedry)*
- Informace a nabídka témat na webu katedry
- Katedra historie:
- Kontakní osoba: Mgr. Jakub Pátek, Ph.D. *
- Informace a nabídka témat na webu katedry
- Katedra politologie:
- Kontakní osoba: Tamara Šitnerová (sekretářka katedry) *
- Informace a nabídka témat na webu katedry
* Uvedení zaměstnanci zajišťuji v souladu se směrnicí děkanky (viz výše) tisk finálního zadání kvalifikační práce. V konzultačních hodinách se lze se na ně obrátit ve věci jakékoliv bližší informace o všech etapách zádání i zpracování kvalifikační práce.